Thursday, August 13, 2009

Well the shop is full.....AGAIN!!

Well, guitar building has again ground to a halt. The shop is again full of "non-guitar building" stuff. I can't even move in there at this point. This is all due to our latest move.
We have TOOOO much stuff. We are going to be having a mother of a garage sale in the coming weeks. It's crazy how much stuff we have.
So on a positive note, the Live edge guitar neck is done, just needs to be put on the body now. When I can get in the shop to do so...... At least I'm mostly caught up on the custom orders. This is getting frustrating!!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

APS Custom necks and bodies

The neck for the live edge guitar is coming along nicely. I'm putting on the third coat of finish this morning. The necks feel like silk when I'm done with them. There is no heavy gloss finish that will slow you down, it feels incredible.

And the next guitar to be worked on is actually the first prototype I built for the company. Things have changed since that first one and I want to update it with latest cool things I do. So I'm stripping off the old finish and I might install a floyd trem on it. I will see about that as things progress. Anyway, off to the workshop......


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Live edge neck all shaped and ready for fretting

The neck is all shaped. I have my first coat of finish on it and today's task is to get it all fretted up. I have no absolute method in doing necks. Sometimes I fret the neck before shaping and sometimes after. the pros in doing it after the shaping are if you damage the fretboard while shaping the back (the fretboard is clamped down to a surface, thus can get damaged, even with taking the proper percautions) you can resand afterwards to reflatten it. If you have already put the frets bad for you. however, if you fret it before the neck is rounded it makes the fret job extra easy as it does not shimmy around from side to side when installing the frets. So each method has it's pros and cons and I just go with my gut instinct on each job.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Building necks today

Well, I'm working on necks today. I want to get the newest live edge guitar neck all rounded over and ready for fretting and finish. I also will be working on gluing up 1 or 2 new necks for some upcoming guitars. It should be a fun couple of days. I even still get a little nervous when rounding a neck. I always worry about going to deep and exposing the truss rod, or putting the neck attachment bolt into the back of the neck and having it come out the top, destroying the fretboard. These things have never happened, but I still worry about them.....crazy!!! Although, on one of my first necks I built I was convinced I had put the trussrod in upside down. So I had to rip off the fret board (I could have taken it off carfully but.....I was far to mad with myself) and sure enough I discovered it was on correctly. So a perfectly good neck, down the drain, but I was able to reuse the truss Note to self, don't freak out, you most likely did it right. relax and take your time.